Contact Us/General Enquiry Form

As well as a Collins booking widget, you can also create and personalise your own Contact Us/General Enquiry form which feeds into Collins as a new enquiry.

Here are examples of partners with a customised enquiry form:

No. 4 Clifton Village

The Lighterman

IMPORTANT: Collins users MUST create all their custom enquiry fields within Collins before you can proceed with creating your enquiry form.

Posting to Standard Booking Fields

For any standard Collins booking fields used in your form, web developers should post to these field names:

Field Name Field Name in Collins Comments
first_name First Name
last_name Last Name
email Email
phone Phone
num_people Guests
date Date In the form YYYY-MM-DD
time Time In the form HH:mm
duration Duration of booking Number of minutes
dob Birthday In the form YYYY-MM-DD
company Company
venue_id Venue Use the Venue IDs provided by Collins Account Manager
type Booking Type Use the Booking Type IDs provided by Collins Account Manager
budget Budget
approximate_guests Approximate Guests

Examples of posting standard booking fields:

  • If you’re adding a field on your form for customers to enter their first name, you can post to name='first_name'.
  • If you are asking customers to select from multiple venues:
<select name="venue">
    <option value="123456789"> Bar Collins</option>
    <option value="987654321">Bar DMN</option>
    <option value="">Not Sure</option>

where you swap the values to be the venue IDs sent from your Collins Account Manager.

  • If you are asking customers to select from multiple booking types:

<select name="type"> <option value="12345">Dinner</option> <option value="54321">Drinks</option> </select>

where you swap the values to be the booking type IDs sent from your Collins Account Manager.

Posting to Custom Enquiry Fields

When posting custom enquiry fields to Collins, the name of the field inputs needs to be as follows:

Field Type in Collins Field Input Comments
Yes/No enquiry_details[key] value=true
Free Text enquiry_details[key]
Long Text enquiry_details[key]
Pick One enquiry_details[key]
Pick Multiple enquiry_details[key][] Case sensitive to how the values are set up within Collins.

where key is the Field Name of the Enquiry Field that you have been sent from your Collins Account Manager.

Example for web developers:

If you had the following set up the following in Collins:

screenshot of enquiry fields

For the ‘Message’ field on your form, your web developer would have to use enquiry_details[message]

For the ‘How did you hear about us’ field on your form, your web developer would use an input similar to this:

<select name="enquiry_details[how_did_you_hear_about_us][]">
    <option value="Google">Google</option>
    <option value="Friend">Friend</option>

How to create your own personalised Enquiry Form

1. Collins users create all their custom enquiry fields within Collins

2. Once all the custom enquiry fields have been added to Collins, Collins user to let their Collins Account Manager know and introduce them to your web developer.

3. Collins Account Manager to provide the web developer with the following details:

  • Venue IDs
  • Venue Group ID
  • Field Names
  • Field Types

4. Web developer to create a form display on your website. Web developer will be responsible for the look of your personalised form and which fields are included.

We recommend that you keep the forms as short and simple as possible.

To help, here’s an example of a Basic Enquiry Form that we recommend that your web developers use.

5. Post any Standard Booking Fields as per this guide.

6. Post any Custom Enquiry Fields as per this guide.

7. Post your form to

6. You will also need to include the following fields to identify as being an enquiry for your venue group:

  • enquiry_type=enquiry
  • source=partner
  • venue_group=VENUEGROUPID (your Collins Account Manager will provide the Venue Group ID)

Please note: If the action of the form is a direct post to, then you will need to add these three fields as hidden fields, for example:

<input type="hidden" name="enquiry_type" value="enquiry">

<input type="hidden" name="source" value="partner">

<input type="hidden" name="venue_group" value="VENUEGROUPID">

Where you will have to replace the VENUEGROUPID given from your Account Manager.

If you are posting the form independently, then you will need to make sure these three fields are added to the final payload posted to

General Enquiry Form FAQs

1. Do you support XHR or cross origin requests?

We do not currently support submitting XHR requests for bespoke enquiries. In order to customise the confirmation page, please add a return_url parameter. The response data will be forwarded onto your return url as url parameters.

2. We have added a free text field type but are unable to fully read the response left by the customer within Collins (the response box is not large enough to display the full response. What’s the best way to see the full response?

If you are capturing large text responses from customers, we would recommend that you use the long text field type instead of the free text. This will make long text responses easier to read within the enquiry in Collins.