Taking reservations from Google

If you have access to your venue’s Google Business Account, you are able to add your Collins booking URL to your Google listing. This way customers will be able to directly make a booking from Google.

How to set up a Reservations URL

To add a reservations URL to your Google My Business listing:

  1. Sign in to Google My Business
  2. Choose the listing that you want to edit. (If you’re using card view, you’ll need to click Manage Location, then click Info from the menu.)
  3. Click on the URLs section.
  4. For the Reservations URL, enter the URL to the reservations page on your website or the Collins Booking URL for your venue. This way you will not be charged for any bookings.
  5. Click Apply

How to set up a Google Post

To add a Google Post to your Google My Business listing:

  1. Sign in to Google My Business
  2. Choose the listing that you want to edit. (If you’re using card view, you’ll need to click Manage Location, then click Info from the menu.)
  3. Click on the Create Post or click Post
  4. Download and use this image to put in the image box

  5. Fill in the following fields as follows:

  • Write your post: “Click Below”
  • Make your post an event and turn on “Add a button”
  • Event title - “Reserve with Collins”
  • Make the event start now and end date a year from today
  • Tick the Reserve button
  • For the Reserve field, enter the Collins Booking URL for your venue
  • You should also add #booking to the end of the link to make it a better mobile experience
  1. Click Preview to test that your links are set up correctly
  2. Click Apply