Customising the 2nd iFrame of your Collins booking widget

You are able to customise the 2nd iframe on your Collins V1 booking widget to better suit the feel of your website.

To customise your 2nd iFrame, your web developer would need to:

  1. Tell us a URL of a stylesheet (that has to be on an HTTPS connection for us to load it) and what you want to use it for (eg app/website).

  2. We add this CSS URL to our system for your venue group, with a name eg app

  3. When you add the form to your page, you add some code to tell our page which CSS to load, eg

  DMN.val('stylesheet', 'app');

When the booking form loads, it will also load your CSS so you can override whatever is on the book page.

Example of a partner with a customised second iframe: Alexanders Skipton

Customising the buttons and alert messages

If you want to further customise the appearance of the second iframe, you can add specific CSS rules that apply. The following table lists the main elements of the second iframe and their CSS selectors:

Element CSS Selector Notes for Collins users
Optional pre-orders message .preorder-payment-instructions No minimum preorders have been set
Pre-Order Required Message .alert-preorder-payment A minimum order has been set
Minimum Pre-Order Required Message .alert-preorder-requirements The minimum order has not yet been met
Next steps to your Pre-Order message .preorder-payment-advance-warning
Next and Book Now Buttons .btn-submit-booking
Cross sell message .alert-alternative-availability You have set up cross sell with your sister sites
Add Dietary Requirements button .btn-add-diatary-requirements
Order Summary .order-summary
Pre-Order Header .preorder-menus h2
Pre-Order Instructions .instruction-summary


.instruction-summary {
    display: none;

.btn-add-dietary-requirements {
    background-color: red;

The above CSS would result in the following:

Example of customised Pre-Order

Customising 2nd iFrame FAQs

1. When scrolling on a different device/screen size, the 2nd iFrame isn’t fully showing?

The standard 2nd iFrame will fully show on all devices and screen sizes.

If your 2nd iFrame is not fully showing, it’s likely that you have a CSS style on your own website which is overwriting the height of the iFrame.

Your web developer will have to look at the CSS that has been added to the customised 2nd iFrame.

2. When customising our second iFrame, which fields are we able to hide?

You are able to remove only the fields that are not required to complete the enquiry.

For example, you will be able to hide the birthday field as long as it has not been made a mandatory field in your Collins settings.

You are also able to remove both marketing permission opt-ins (for your venue and

To be able to hide these in your custom iFrames, your web developer will have to override the styling on the page.

3 We have multiple venues in our venue group. Are we able to load style sheets for each individual venue within the group?

We can set up multiple style sheets eg we could name them ‘app’ and ‘website’. Your code will just specify the stylesheet you want at the time eg:

  DMN.val('stylesheet', 'app');


  DMN.val('stylesheet', 'website');