Users API

Before you begin

Refer to the API Basics section to ensure you are familiar with the essentials of how to interact with the API.


The use of this endpoint for retrieving and updating Collins customer information is deprecated. Please use instead.


The DesignMyNight Users API can be used to retrieve user information and create users, and is suitable for clients who require user information.

You will only be able to retrieve user information based on your permissions.

User format

Each user object will contain the following keys:

Field Type Description
_id string The ID of the user
created_date string The date and time of when the user was created, in ISO 8601 format
last_updated string The date and time of when the user was last updated, in ISO 8601 format
first_name string The user’s first name
last_name string The user’s last name
username string The user’s username*
email string The user’s email address
phone string The user’s phone number
dob string The user’s date of birth, in ISO 8601 format*
gender string The user’s gender*
company string The company name*
status string The user status
wishlist object Object containing items added to the user’s wishlist
associated_venues array An array of venue IDs that this user is associated with**
marketing_permission boolean Marketing permission for the venue group*

* These fields will only appear if we have data for them
** To get the venue IDs, please speak to your Account Manager for details

To only request specific fields back, you can use the fields url parameter. This parameter accepts a comma separated string of fields. For example, the following request will only retrieve the first name and email address.

$ curl -X GET<user_id>?fields=first_name,email

Getting a user

Getting a user by ID

If the user ID is known, the user can be found using their ID. For example:

$ curl -X GET<user_id>

This will return a user object containing one user if the request was successful, or a 404 status code if the user was not found.

Getting a user by searching

A user can be found by sending a search query. Below are the fields which will be used for searching:

Field Type Description
email string The email of the user
phone string The phone number used in the booking
last_name string The user’s last name

For example, the following request will find users with the last name ‘Johnson’:

$ curl -X GET

This will return three keys in the payload object:

Field Type Description
users array An array of users found. This array will be empty if none were found.
start int The starting position for pagination of this request. Learn more about pagination »
numFound int The total number of users found matching this search query

Here’s an example response:

  "payload": {
    "users": [
        "_id": "512b1ebad5d190d2978c293b",
        "created_date": "2011-05-12T09:12:39",
        "last_updated": "2018-11-21T15:12:47",
        "email": "",
        "first_name": "Test",
        "last_name": "User",
        "phone": "07777777777",
        "company": "",
        "dob": "1944-01-10T00:00:00",
        "associated_venues": [
        "marketing_preferences": [
            "id": "5b0743f00000000000000000",
            "opt_in_date": "2018-11-21T15:12:42"
            "id": "5b0e8f88303b2321ea337f83",
            "opt_in_date": "2018-11-21T15:12:42"
            "id": "5bb1ee308264ee5a4d665cb2",
            "opt_in_date": "2018-11-21T15:12:42"
    "start": 0,
    "numFound": 1
  "status": 200,
  "requestTime": "2018-11-21T15:12:59",
  "responseTime": "2018-11-21T15:12:59",
  "revision": {
    "hostname": false,
    "branch": "71d1ee4",
    "testMode": true
  "statusText": "OK",
  "url": "\/v4\/users\/",
  "method": "GET",
  "params": {
    "search": "test"


When searching for users, results are always limited to no more than 30 results per page. You’ll know if your results have been trimmed when the numFound key is more than 30.

To retrieve the next set of data, use the start url parameter. The start parameter is used to specify the offset of records, and the default value is 0.

For example, let’s say you’ve made the following search request:

$ curl -X GET

and 90 users were found. The users array will only contain 30 users. To get the next 30 users, make another request but increment the start parameter to 30.

$ curl -X GET


By default, users will be sorted by their last name in ascending order. You may optionally specify a field to sort users by using the sort url parameter. The fields which can be sorted by are listed in the User format table.

For example, to sort by email address, the request would look like this:

$ curl -X GET

Output as CSV

By default, the response will be formatted in JSON. However, by using the URL parameter output=csv, you will receive the response in a CSV format.

The following example will return a CSV format of all users you have permission to view:

$ curl -X GET

Results for CSV output are always limited to a maximum of 25000 results per page.

Sorting results is not currently supported when outputting as a CSV.

Updating a user

You can make a POST request to the /users endpoint along with the user ID to update the record, using the endpoint detailed below:

Updating marketing preferences for a user

Marketing preferences are handled with the /marketing-preferences endpoint. The full request URL would look like this:, where 1234 is the ID of the user.

The array marketing_preferences stores whether or not the user is subscribed to each marketing preference defined on the venue/venue group.

To update a user’s marketing preferences, you can POST to the /marketing-preferences endpoint and pass the marketing_preferences array in the body of the request.

The marketing_preferences field should be an object containing the ID of the preference you wish to update, and a boolean opt_in field specifying the state of the preference.

You can find instructions on getting marketing preference IDs in the the Marketing Preferences section of the Booking API docs.

Here’s an example request of unsubscribing user ID 1234 from SMS marketing, which has the ID 864778487282768:

$ curl -X POST \
  -d '{"marketing_preferences": [{"id": "864778487282768","opt_in": "false"}]}'

The response will look like this, containing the newly updated user:

  "payload": {
    "dob": "1995-01-13T00:00:00",
    "email": "",
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Smith",
    "marketing_preferences": [
        "id": "864778487282768",
        "opt_in_date": "2018-05-27T11:30:00",
        "opt_out_date": "2018-05-29T11:49:00"
    "phone": "07912345678",
    "_id": "1234"
  "status": 200,
  "requestTime": "2018-05-29T11:49:00",
  "responseTime": "2018-05-29T11:49:00",
  "statusText": "OK",
  "url": "\/v4\/users\/1234\/marketing-preferences",
  "method": "POST"