Offers API

The DesignMyNight Offers API can be used to check which offers are eligible for a given booking.


The Offers API can be accessed with a GET request to the /venues/VENUE_ID/offers endpoint. Replace with the venue ID you wish to check offers for.

$ curl -X GET


Offers can optionally be defined to be visible_from and visible_to a specified date range. This endpoint will only return offers where any of the conditions below are met:

  • The visible_from and visible_to are both set, and the time* is between these dates
  • The visible_from and visible_to dates have not been specified
  • The visible_from is in the past*, and the visible_to is not set
  • The visible_from is not set, and the visible_to is in the future*

*Using the time the request was made, in London time

Request Parameters

You can apply parameters to the request to filter out offers which would not be eligible. For example, if an offer only applied to parties larger than 5, appending num_people=2 would mean the response would not return that offer.

The parameters are the same as the ones used in the Bookings API.

Field Description
type The ID of the booking type as a string.
num_people The number of guests in the booking as an integer
date The date of the booking, in the format YYYY-MM-DD
time The time of the booking in 24-hour format, eg 19:00
duration The duration of the booking in hours as a decimal, eg 1.5

All parameters are optional. When a request is made with no parameters, the response will contain all visible offers for the specified venue.

Response Format

Inside the payload key of the response will be an array of offers, and these offers will contain the following keys:

Key Type Description
_id string The ID of the offer
page_id string The ID of the venue in which the offer applies to
page_status string The visibility status of the venue
page_can_book boolean Whether the venue can be booked online
region_id string The ID of the region this venue is located in
title string The title of the offer
type_of_offer array Currently unused, but may be used in the future
type_of_venue array An array of objects describing the type of venue
availability string The source where bookings will be eligible to use this offer. Possible values are
"" - All bookings
partner - Only bookings from your website
designmynight - Only bookings from DesignMyNight
description string A description of the offer
start_date string When this offer is valid from, in ISO 8601 format
expiry_date string When this offer will expire, in ISO 8601 format
visible_from string When this offer will be visible from, in ISO 8601 format
visible_to string When this offer will be visible until, in ISO 8601 format
rules object An object containing rules for this offer. See Offer Rules
restrict_offer_to_types boolean Whether this offer only applies to specific booking types
booking_types array (only present if restrict_offer_to_types is true) An array of booking types which this offer is eligible for

Booking Types

When a type parameter is not specified in the request, the API will not filter offers based on the booking type they apply to.

Be aware that this will return offers that only apply to specific booking types. You can determine whether an offer applies to all booking types with the restrict_offer_to_types key in the response.

Example Request

In this example, we will be requesting offers which are:

  • Valid for a group of 6 people
  • Will be valid on the 26th September 2017
$ curl -X GET

And your response will look like this:

    "payload": [
            "_id": "123456789",
            "page_id": "552435790df6902b7256f237",
            "page_status": "inactive",
            "page_can_book": false,
            "region_id": "512b1ebad5d190d2978c277e",
            "title": "Happy Hour!",
            "type_of_offer": [],
            "type_of_venue": [
            "availability": "designmynight",
            "description": "Two for one cocktails from 5pm - 8pm on weekdays",
            "start_date": "2016-10-03T00:00:00",
            "expiry_date": "2017-09-30T00:00:00",
            "visible_from": "2016-09-01T00:00:00",
            "visible_to": "2017-09-30T00:00:00",
            "rules": {...},
            "restrict_offer_to_types": false
    "status": 200,
    "requestTime": "2017-09-26T10:42:37",
    "responseTime": "2017-09-26T10:42:37",
    "statusText": "OK",
    "url": "/v4/venues/552435790df6902b7256f237/offers",
    "method": "GET",
    "params": []

Offer Rules

If an offer has rules applied to it, these rules will be returned in the rules key.

Key Type Description
min_people integer The minimum number of people required in a booking for this offer. null if the rule has not been set.
max_people integer The maximum number of people allowed in a booking for this offer. null if the rule has not been set.
monday See Day Rules Rules specific to bookings on a Monday
tuesday See Day Rules Rules specific to bookings on a Tuesday
wednesday See Day Rules Rules specific to bookings on a Wednesday
thursday See Day Rules Rules specific to bookings on a Thursday
friday See Day Rules Rules specific to bookings on a Friday
saturday See Day Rules Rules specific to bookings on a Saturday
sunday See Day Rules Rules specific to bookings on a Sunday

Day Rules

Each day of the week contains an object with the following keys

Key Type Description
available boolean Whether this offer is available on this day of the week
from string The time this offer is valid from on this day of the week, in HH:MM format
to string The time this offer is valid until on this day of the week, in HH:MM format*

*If the duration of the booking exceeds the to time, the offer will still be returned. The to time is for bookings that start after this time.

Offers in booking-availability

The Booking API has the functionality to get offers which are valid for the specified booking type. To enable this, append the getOffers=true parameter to your booking availability request.

$ curl -X GET

The response will contain an array of eligible Offer IDs in the suggestedValues fields under the following keys:

  • type
  • time
  • duration
    "time": {
        "suggestedValues": [
                "time": "17:30",
                "offers": [

Some keys omitted for brevity